Then Kin Pang shaman festival It is a typical festival of the White Thai people, most prominent in Ban Kich - Pha Khinh commune - Quynh Nhai district. A national cultural space handed down from the past, a time for shamans to meet their adopted children again. In it, the shaman is understood as a heavenly being sent to earth to help humanity, and his adopted children are the sick people who have been cured by him. This festival is always held on a fairly large scale, lasting from 3 to 4 days. Many people will bring offerings to give thanks, and many people will want to come to pray. Kin Pang Then is no exception, consisting of two distinct parts: "The ceremony part and the festival part take place in the first days of the year". During the ceremony, there are traditional songs that carry great meaning, representing goodness, favorable weather, good harvest, etc. The festival part is vibrant with many attractive activities from singing, dancing to traditional games.![]()